In 1862, when La Forza del Destino was premiered in St Petersburg, Russia, Giuseppe Verdi was at the peak of his popularity, his name identified with the Risorgimento (unification of Italy) the previous year. The imposing opening motive of the overture, three unison Es, depict the inevitable power of “fate,” – hence the title of the opera. This is followed by the famous repeated agitated figure in the low strings. A central section quotes Leonora’s prayer from Act 2 of the opera, leading to a grand climax that reveals Verdi’s gift for dramatic music. The overture has become core repertoire worldwide.

Verdi – La Forza del Destino Overture
Verdi – La Forza del Destino Overture
Arranged for string orchestra by Damian Iorio.
Set includes:
Full score
1st Violin – 3 copies
2nd Violin – 3 copies
Viola – 2 copies
Cello – 2 copies
Bass – 1 copy
Our Verdi arrangements are unabridged, unsimplified and faithful to the original scores with regards to dynamics, phrasing and articulation. We recommend a minimum string size of 6 5 4 4 2 as there are divisi and soli, although it could be performed with fewer players.
Duration 8 minutes