Until now only the original handwritten material of Stenhammar’s incidental music to Rabindranath Tagore’s play Chitra was available. This new edition resolves many of issues present in the manuscript and includes the complete celesta part for the 5th movement.

Stenhammar – Chitra
Stenhammar – Chitra
New edition by Damian Iorio
Set includes:
Full score
1st Violin – 3 copies
2nd Violin – 3 copies
Viola – 2 copies
Cello – 2 copies
Bass – 1 copy
Celesta – 1 copy
Stenhammar’s original incidental music to Chitra is now available in a high quality, modern, professional performing edition by Damian Iorio. This is the original complete version by Stenhammar himself, not an arrangement.
If you would like extra parts, please send your request via the contact form.
Duration 22 minutes
Note – it is possible to perform Chitra with strings only as celesta is required only in the 5th movement.